Who We Are
LifeGate is devoted to the effective advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ by equipping and mobilizing biblically qualified pastors to plant strong local churches in their own countries.
Launching fishers of men
Because Jesus’ Great Commission is our mandate.
We are an international church planting organization partnering with the right men committed to the right message. Men who stay loyal to the truth of the Bible. Men willing to pay the high cost of gospel ministry and disciple making.
It’s what we do.
Speeding the gospel to the very edge
That boundary which lies between the lost and the found.
We are steadfast in our commitment to see the word of the Lord run swiftly. We believe the gospel flourishes best through the planting of truth-supporting churches. It’s the New Testament way.
It’s how we do it.
Laboring hard for the reward of His suffering
Because Jesus paid it all. His life a ransom for many.
“You are worthy… for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation... (Rev 5:9).”