Our Work In Russia
Russia in the Shadows
“In 1920, Herbert Wells wrote a book entitled Russia in the Shadows. A century has passed since that book's release. Yet this great country—the largest country by land mass in the world—still waits for spiritual daybreak. Our country ranks among the highest in the world both in the number of martyrs for the faith and in number of abortions, alcoholics, and drug addicts…. Utter despair fills the hearts of millions. Nothing but the Word of God can dissipate the darkness of sin and give hope. Heralds of this Word are as vital to life as oxygen. And yet how few are their number.” Name Withheld
Today, religious freedom in Russia is on the decline. Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman stated, “…It’s very difficult and troubling…. We’re not only seeing religious organizations shut down, we’re seeing individual members who are punished for their religious beliefs.” 2016 anti-terrorism laws limiting evangelism to within church walls has had a devastating impact on Russian evangelicals as they face liquidation, financial blacklisting, and criminal prosecution for openly sharing their faith.
Pray for courage for the church in Russia and her leaders. Pray that God would continue to raise up bold heralds of His Word for the glory of Christ.
Source: Joshua Project
Launching heralds of the Word
Gospel faith comes by hearing and gives eternal safety to all who believe.
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LifeGate protects the names of pastors and their churches in Russia.